Coronavirus Tips You Can Depend On
Thanks to the spread of coronavirus worldwide, it’s not surprising that people have become wary about what’s happening day-to-day in Collin County. The key to staying safe lies in being informed while adhering to the recommended tips provided by the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO). These tips include:
- Wash often: Germs stay on the hands more than any other body part. Hands also come into contact with other surfaces including your face often. That’s why it’s important to follow the CDC recommendation of a minimum of 20 seconds at a time when washing your hands.
- Invest in hand sanitizer: For those times washing your hands just isn’t an option, there’s always hand sanitizer. For the most effective treatment, be sure the sanitizer used is at least 60% alcohol to help minimize the spread of coronavirus.
- Social distancing: This has become a necessity in Collin County. By staying home as much as possible and maintaining a minimum of six feet from everyone else, you can help reduce the spread of coronavirus in Collin County.
- Clean the home: The home needs to be clean just like your hands and body does. As such, it’s important to sanitize and disinfect the home regularly. It may be needed to invest in professional services that know how to follow the sanitization protocol established by the World Health Organization.
Sanitization Services
911 Restoration is committed to ensuring the health and comfort of our Collin County residents. For this reason, our technicians provide a full range of emergency restoration services. Besides restoration, we also deliver a comprehensive sanitization service. The coronavirus can’t be eliminated by us, but we maintain our training on the current CDC and EPA protocols to ensure the safety of our customers during this troubling time thanks to our sanitization service.